
Six Tips To Help You Live A Happy Life

Let’s Get Happy!

Right now, we all need some helpful tips on how to get happy! Especially with everything going on in the world. I am no expert, but I can tell you that I work very hard at getting happy. The more research I did on how the brain works and who we are, the more fascinated I became. Our brains are hardwired to anticipate danger and what could go wrong. It’s a survival skill, and it’s biological. Once I knew that our brains tend to focus on the negative, rather than the positive, I decided to set goals. Over the years (yes, years) I’ve gotten happier. By that, I mean that I’m more joyful from day to day… and able to appreciate the little things. Below, you can find my Real Talk video all about getting happy! 

Happy Life, Tips to Live Happier Life | LIfestyle Blogger Erin Busbee of Busbee Style, Over 40 in Telluride, Colorado,BusbeeStyle.com

How Do We Get There?

So…how did I get here!? And how do we keep evolving?

For starters, I like to listen to inspirational people. My favorite YouTube channels for inspiration include: Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, and Marie Forleo. I was watching Wayne Dyer and he made a really beautiful metaphor that I thought was worth sharing…  He said to think of yourself as, “a constantly evolving work of art.” I think that’s just a great way of looking at our lives. The key in that metaphor is to appreciate the necessity of change and to think of ourselves as art (not perfect, but something to be appreciated.)

I recognize that ‘getting happy‘ is NOT easy, so I’m sharing six tips to help you get happy in the video and post below. 

Happy Life | Six Tips to Live Happier Life | Lifestyle Blogger Erin Busbee of Busbee Style in Telluride, Colorado, tips include exercise, eating healthy, etc.

#1 | Exercise

One of the key components for me is exercise. Scientifically, working out increasing endorphins in the brain. And, science doesn’t lie. It boosts your mood, lifts your spirits, and makes you feel physically stronger and better.  I can tell the difference when I don’t work out. I’m a little more down, I don’t feel very good about myself, I tend to eat things I shouldn’t eat, and it just spirals. Watch the video of my workout routine here and find the best workout apps here.

#2 | Eating Healthy

The second thing that’s important to getting happy is eating well. I see people doing very extreme diets, and that’s great…but for me it just doesn’t work. When I tell myself I can’t have something it makes me want it more! So I don’t like to diet, I just eat things in moderation. I did recently try the Keto diet and shared my thoughts in this post and video.

I usually just try to monitor what I eat…but not on an extreme level. Since I’ve started going through menopause, I’ve had trouble with weight gain and figuring out what I can and can’t eat anymore. I’ve done two recent videos on menopause and some natural remedies for common menopause issues like weight gain.

#3 | Meditation

I’ve been meditating on a regular basis for about two years now, and I really do think it helps you get happy! I use an app called Headspace. It’s free for the first few weeks, and then you pay a monthly or annual fee for meditation sessions. It’s very helpful and there’s a whole library of meditation to focus on what you want to meditate about. It makes you calmer and helps me to stay more patient with the kids. The best part, the app does ALL the work for you. You just sit back and listen! 

Happy Life, tips to live a happier life, by lifestyle blogger Erin Busbee of Busbeestyle.com, Busbee Style in telluride, Colorado, TIP: limit negativity

#4 | Limit Negativity

Another important thing is to limit negativity! A few years back, I noticed that my son Gage was using a lot of negative words like ‘hate’ and ‘never.’ I showed him this extremely powerful video about the power of your words and how they can make you feel. 
In addition to choosing your words carefully (including the words swirling around in your head), you should also limit your interaction with negative people. Everyone has that person in his or her life that’s incredibly negative. Nobody wants to be around someone like that, and you definitely don’t want to be that person. Think carefully about who you surround yourself with, and who you spend your precious time with. Stay away from negative people.
Since we’re couped up inside with a limited number of people, make sure that those people know the power of negativity too so that there is only positivity surrounding you!

#5 | Less Social Media

On the one hand, social media is great for business. On the other hand, it can make me feel inferior. I scroll through and see other bloggers with seemingly perfect lives…and I can start playing that story in my head…. the one that says I’m, “…less than.”  I think it’s really important to limit social media. Maybe check platforms less throughout the day or unfollow people who make you feel this way. Limiting social media can help you feel happier and more confident about who you are and what you bring to the table. I also try to set an evening time limit. No more phone after 8 pm. If you find yourself mindlessly scrolling because you’re bored, try finding something else to fill your time. Like writing, reading, playing with the kids, or just talking to your significant other.

Happy Life, tips to live a happier life, by lifestyle blogger Erin Busbee of Busbeestyle.com, Busbee Style in telluride, Colorado, fake it until you make it!

#6 | Fake It Till You Make It

Let’s say you wake up, and you’re tired, and all you want to do is get back in bed. What you should do is start laughing or smile until you feel a little better. Or put on a song, and do a little dance. Do whatever you have to do… to get out of the funk. If you laugh or smile or dance…it’s REALLY hard to stay miserable! Try it!!

PS: If you want more style inspiration, you might want to order or download my Style Made Simple guide here. If you use this link to sign up for my email list, you will get 40% off the guide!

Erin Busbee signature

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22 thoughts on “Six Tips To Help You Live A Happy Life

  1. Erin Would you share the mOvie you showed Gage on the power of your words and How they can make You feel … i have twO girls One of thEm is a teenager who i deSperately need any suppoRt resources to help Raise her … she haS been using a lot of negative words and i would love to watch SOMETHING that can helP me get THROUGH to them and share it :))) Thank you for doIng whAt you do And adding a dash of fun and light to the world????????????????

  2. Erin, you really invest in your content and in us.. in invisible ways you contribute to our happiness. thank you.

    1. Celine… what a beautiful note to see first thing in the AM. Thank you so much!! I really am here for all of you. You all give me SO much joy! ~Erin xo

  3. I totally agree with tip # 2 about eating healthy as one way for you to live a happy life. It is important not to deprive yourself of the foods that you want to eat. I guess the keyword here is moderation. If you eat (and do) everything moderately, you feel more satisfied and fulfilled. Thanks.

    1. Exactly, Bobby… the key is moderation for sure. I do NOT understand extreme diets. It seems so unnatural to eliminate something completely from your diet. Erin xo

  4. Erin!
    This was so helpful… truly!
    Your honesty is so refreshing and your tips are great. Very very practical.
    It helps to know that you’ve worked hard at being” happy”
    I too have to really work at it. Sometimes I just stare at people who seem to have so much joy and wonder how to do that;) so I have to consciously try to be joyful. I agree that music is a wonderful way as well as limiting social media. Helping others also lifts my soul from going to the sad place.
    You have inspired me as well as others with your helpful tips and style advice. Thank you, from the bottom of my ❤️ heart!

    1. Maybe you can start asking those people who appear so happy…what is their secret? I think my secret is that I never stop learning and trying. 😉 Thank you for sharing this wonderful note. It truly means a LOT! Erin xo

  5. Thank you Erin for taking the time to share with us your feelings about life in general. I enjoy watching all your videos and all your great ideas, and thank you for nominate me on Twitter, have a wonderful day Erin! ??

  6. Such a thoughtful reminder of the things that are important Erin. Thanks for taking the time. I agree with the last two. Less social media and sometimes you just have to push through. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed yesterday and wanted to skip a social engagement I had with my daughter. Still – I dragged both of us there in the pouring rain. It ended up being an inspiring event and we were both better for it. Keep up your amazing work. You look fantastic, BTW!

    1. Sometimes it’s just about showing up. Same thing with me this weekend. Did NOT want to go to party and made myself….and had so much FUN! And, met a couple of new women too.. Erin xo

  7. A quote I thought you might appreciate: Happiness is not a goal; it is the byproduct of a life well lived- Eleanor Roosevelt
    I enjoy your site ! Thank you

    1. Thanks so much, Barbara. However, I’m not sure I agree with Eleanor. I DO believe you have to work at it and make it a goal. 😉 Erin xo

  8. Just a lovely post, Erin. So enjoyed hearing this from you whose life seems all roses and sunshine. Haha Thanks for taking me back to reality with this terrific advice. I do so enjoy your posts and videos. Sharon Bryan

    1. It’s definitely not all roses and sunshine LOL… although, I will continue to work hard to make it as sunny as possible. Thanks, Sharon!

  9. I always knew you were beautiful inside and out. Wayne Dyer is great. Thanks for this video.
    Sometimes, we forget how blessed we are are.

    1. Expressing gratitude is a really important part of this happiness formula. Thanks for the reminder, Rita!

  10. Erin I love your videos. I too struggle with being happy. I also like motivational YouTube videos, meditation, exercise. They truly do help stay positive and keep you on the right track. Stay positive and look forward to you sharing more videos.

    1. I find it is really tough to stay ‘in’ something if you are listening to these videos. Plus, I feel like in every video there is some nugget of info that I takeaway that feels important. Thanks for sharing! Erin xo

  11. Thank you for posting this – always love your videos. I find I have to definitely work hard to appreciate all my blessings and to be joyful, so I will check out the people you recommended. I am relieved to hear that you also find social media a downer at times – my mood sometimes drops quite a bit after looking spending time on it. But your site is great – thanks for being a great inspiration to all of us that are no longer 25 (I’m 39) – you are beautiful and have so much style and class…they should all be watching your videos! 🙂

    1. What a wonderful note. Thank you SO much for taking the time to share these thoughts with me. I am most grateful!

      Erin xo

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