
Batwings, Bingo Wings, Flabby Arms…Here’s How To Get Rid Of Them

You know the moment when you are waving to someone and you feel your tricep flapping around? Gack! You have batwings! And the moment is worse when you’re wearing a sleeveless top. Sure, losing arm definition is a sign of aging. But it isn’t one you need to accept. You can tighten up those triceps with some targeted exercises. So, if you have batwings, bingo arms, flabby arms…here’s how to get rid of them.

If you’re looking for tops that cover your arms, then you should check out this post.

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how to get rid of flabby arms, Asian woman in forearm plank

Don’t Forget #1 | Lots of Littles

Since your goal is to tighten and define your muscles, you don’t need to aim for the heaviest weights on your rack. Instead, try to fatigue your muscles by doing higher repetitions of a lower weight. 

how to get rid of flabby arms, Blonde woman in light blue tank and grey leggings in lunge with dumbbell curl

Don’t Forget #2 | Take Mini Set-Breaks

If you’re trying to get through a high repetition set but find yourself failing before you finish the reps, try taking a mini set-break. This is just a few seconds (really, no more than 10) of rest that can help you push through the last few reps. 

how to get rid of flabby arms, brown-haired woman in black workout clothes in knee-to-elbow plank

Don’t Forget #3 | It Should Get Hard

Working your muscle until burnout really means you’re working until your muscle fails. So, if you’re doing a set of standard push-ups, don’t be afraid to drop to your knees if it means you’re going to get more reps in.

how to get rid of flabby arms, Woman on pink yoga mat in updog

Don’t Forget #4 | Body Weight Works

If you’re just starting out, bodyweight exercises are great for your triceps. Because they tend to be weaker muscles, moves like push-ups, diamond push-ups, or tricep dips are going to make a big difference.

how to get rid of flabby arms, Black woman in black leggings at barre with dumbbell

Don’t Forget #5 | Up the Ante

As you get stronger, try upping the ante on your workout by adding more complicated moves. Using equipment like a TRX Trainer or pull-up bar really adds a new level to your workout. They recruit different muscles to move your body through space in a new way, increasing your arm muscle definition.
You can change the shape and definition of your arms. And with consistent work, you can change them this summer.

How do you feel about your arms? Do you love them or are you working to make peace with them? Let me know in the comments!
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Push-up Bars

Push-up bars let you have more range of motion for push-ups and tricep dips. More range of motion means getting more out of the move. These bars are great because of their wide stance. They are stable and comfortable on your wrists.

TRX Trainer

This trainer makes seemingly simple body-weight movements challenging. Not only will it work your arms, but it will also help your coordination. And as an added bonus, you'll need to keep your core engaged, so that gets tighter too!

Battle Rope

I mean, who doesn’t feel like a badass when they’re hammering a battle rope? This one is high-quality and strikes a good balance between light enough to use and heavy enough to really work your arms.

Long Resistance Bands

I love that these bands come in four different resistances. That means you’ll have options as you move from being a beginner to more advanced. Don’t forget, you can always double up the bands to add more resistance. Also, they are strong enough to use as a pull-up assist.

Pull-up Bar

An arm workout list wouldn’t be complete without a pull-up bar. Yes, it’s old school. And yes, it works. Not quite ready for pull-ups? You can always use a pull-up assist or even just practice holding in the “up” position until you’re strong enough for the real deal.
Iron Gym

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