
VIDEO: What Is In My Shower Tag | BusbeeStyle TV


Initially when I saw this “TAG” on YouTube, I thought it was a bit bizarre…

But as I watched, I quickly realized a shower is FULL of invaluable information and insights!

To learn more about what’s in MY shower, watch the VIDEO above.

All the products mentioned are listed below.

Thank you for watching and subscribing.

I REALLY appreciate your support! Erin xo


Number 4 Reconstructing Masque 5.1 Ounces, $29.99 + FREE Shipping, CLICK HERE

Moroccan Oil Conditioner, 8.5 Ounces, $21.47 + Amazon PRIME Eligible, CLICK HERE

Moroccan Oil Conditioner, 33.1 Ounces, $45.66 (+ 5.99 Shipping) – Cheapest Avail – CLICK HERE

Orlando Pita Argan Gloss Shampoo, 27 Ounces $17.49 + Amazon PRIME Eligible, – CLICK HERE

Dove “Deep Moisture” Body Wash, 24 Ounces (Pack of 3), $24.95 + Amazon PRIME Eligible, CLICK HERE 

T-Gel Neutrogena Therapeutic Shampoo, 16 Ounces $12.79 + FREE Shipping, CLICK HERE

Mach 3 Turbo Razor + One Cartridge, $8.99 + FREE Shipping, CLICK HERE

Tweezerman Callus Stone, $20 + Amazon PRIME Eligible, CLICK HERE



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Have you watched my new series, “What I Wore & Why” yet?

I give you the scoop on exactly what I wore and explain why I made specific choices. Basically, you get inside my head.

Here are TWO “What I Wore” Videos:



CLICK HERE to see some of my favorite things through my “Pick of the Week” series.


*I use affiliate links in most of my blog posts. When you shop through my links, I earn a bit of revenue.

Thank you in advance for supporting me and enabling me to continue providing FREE content! Erin xo


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3 thoughts on “VIDEO: What Is In My Shower Tag | BusbeeStyle TV

  1. Oh no, Jill. I am certainly not trying to make anyone feel older. I thought I was being funny, but sometimes that sarcasm is hurtful. I’ll be more careful. I appreciate your feedback. I don’t for a second think 40 is old. I’m simply noticing new issues that I never grappled with before because of age, and I guess that’s why I joke. I appreciate your support and thoughtful feedback. Erin xo

    1. Awww I wasn’t trying to make you feel badly, Erin.. I’m sorry. I was just amazed, that you could say you had “old lady hair”, when you look like you’re in your twenties, and are SO gorgeous ,including your hair! I really was half kidding, as I said. And, I know you know you can say anything you like. Honestly ,I will be 62 ,in early August, and I feel pretty much the same as I did when I was 40, and definitely when I was 50! And, I really don’t think I look all that different, either. But ,I do notice every new wrinkle and gray hair,and, the new aches and pains, I didn’t have when I was younger. But,the most important thing, is to feel strong ,vibrant, and pretty, no matter what age you are, I think. You’re fine, just the way you are….Very intelligent, funny,and informative. Not to mention,, sweet , thoughtful, lovely, and very elegant . Again, I wasn’t trying to make you feel guilty! Thanks so much ,for your kind comments, Erin. Love u Jill xxoo

  2. Oh my goodness, Erin. You are just the cutest and funniest little thing, I have ever seen! Sweetie, if you have “old lady hair”, I must have “dead woman in the grave hair”! lololololol I loved this video! You look like you have the dewiest skin, and your hair looks like your daughter’s hair. I am always looking for new bath washes and conditioners. But, I have never tried Dove’s bath wash , even though I do use the Dove, white, face soap! I am going to save my pennies and get that conditioner… for sure! I’ve been using the Suave Silky and Straight conditioner, and it is pretty nice.. But, I have been highlighting my hair, also, about once every 2 months(like you).. And, it does do some damage to my hair. My son, Luke, actually has the same scalp condition, that you have. And, he has been using the T Gel Shampoo, for quite a while,(since he was about 6 or 7!) , And, he is 33 now!! I wish had known about your problem, and I could have told you about it earlier, maybe… Oh well… I am also going to look for that razor, bc I am always nicking myself on my shins, whenever I get a new razor.. OUCH! So, anyway, thank you , once again , for all your very helpful tips and suggestions. BUT, please stop referring to yourself ,or, your hair or whatever ,as “old lady”!!! I know , when I turned 40, I thought I was SO ancient, too..But, now ,I realize I was still really a young little fillie! ha ha No, but ,It makes all of us ladies who are , lets just say ,a more mature age than 40, feel really REALLY OLD! lol Actually ,I am only speaking for myself.And, I am about half kidding. AND, of course you can do ,or say whatever you want to.. It just really gives me a little chuckle :)… Loves ya, Jill xxoo

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