
Surviving BBG Workout Week One

Getting Back on the Exercise Wagon | Surviving BBG Week One

I’ll get to surviving BBG week one in just a minute, but first let’s talk about these pictures below.
I’m posting these pictures because I want accountability. These pictures will create pressure to have an ‘after’ moment.
Do I look terrible or overweight in the images above? Absolutely not.
Is it easy to post these pictures? Nope. So…please be kind.

You can see that I have a little tummy and some extra weight around the middle.
I think part of this stems from fluctuating hormones, and the rest simply is… lack of effort.

(Keep scrolling to enter 1k Nordstrom giveaway)

BBG workout week one, fashion blogger Erin Busbee charts progress

BBG workout week one, fashion blogger Erin Busbee charts progress

BBG workout week one, fashion blogger Erin Busbee charts progress

BBG workout week one, fashion blogger Erin Busbee charts progress

BBG workout week one, fashion blogger Erin Busbee charts progress

The tummy looks great from the front…but not so much from the side view.


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Working Out it Hard

Working out is HARD. No doubt about it.

Consistently exercising and eating well, while a simple formula for success, feels almost impossible sometimes.
The daily time constraints, juggling motherhood, business and ALL the other stuff like laundry, cleaning, groceries, cooking, organizing, bedtime ritual, etc.,
All of these things make it tough to stay the course…to stay motivated.

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Tracy Anderson

Leading up to my 40th birthday…I had CRAZY motivation. For some reason, I wanted to be in amazing shape when I turned the big 4-0.
I did the Tracy Anderson Method, both Meta and Continuity program every day for one year.
You can see my progress with Tracy here (and above).
I was the slimmest and strongest I’ve ever been…even more than my wedding day.

Slowly Falling off the Tracy Wagon

After my 40th, working out has felt more like a chore. Eating well, less of a priority. And, I am truthfully burned out on Tracy.
I still have been doing her workouts weekly, but more like twice a week, or sometimes not at all.
In terms of eating… well… that has definitely gotten worse.
I have been eating pretty much anything I want, from bread to Hot Tamales.

Something New

I recently came across a blog by Rachel Parcell. She is one of the most successful Reward Style bloggers, and someone I admire.
If I could pick a younger mentor, she would be it!
Anywho… I always check in to see what she’s up to… and I recently saw her post about her BBG journey.
Her before and after picture was SO compelling, I immediately looked up BBG.

BBG workout week one, fashion blogger Erin Busbee charts progress

What is BBG?

BBG stands for Bikini Body Guide, created in 2014 by Australian, Kayla Itsines. These 28-minute workouts include cardio, stretching and resistance training.
It’s designed to workout the whole body so that you look good in a bikini.

Each resistance workout combines body-weight, strength training, and plyometrics.
You do two 7-minute circuits of four exercises each, and then repeat both circuits, three to four times a week.

You can choose from either an eBook containing 12 weeks worth of  workouts here.

OR use the Sweat app, which includes videos showing you how to execute the exercises.

BBG workout week one, fashion blogger Erin Busbee charts progress

Sweat App

I decided to use the sweat app, since video is much easier for me to follow than a PDF guide (see picture above).
The app includes recipes, grocery lists, and a built-in BBG community so if you have questions you can ask other women using the program their thoughts.

I posted one message and got about eight responses!

Dedicating yourself to this program is a great way to execute all those ‘get in shape’ new year’s resolutions!

BBG workout week one, fashion blogger Erin Busbee charts progress


You can see from the picture above, you can post a message (easy to do through the app)
And, get responses almost immediately from people either in the same boat or further along with advice.


BBG workout week one, fashion blogger Erin Busbee charts progress



When looking up recipes you can specify your dietary preferences, like vegan, vegetarian, etc. (see image above)

The recipes can be quite difficult to prepare as some of the ingredients are specific to Australia, but I find it’s a great source of ideas!
I should note that I’m not following her meal plan. I’m just cutting out extraneous bread and sugar. However, I allow myself one ice cream bar (Skinny Cow) per day.
I have a massive sweet tooth and need one treat per day.


You can get the “Sweat With Kayla” app free for a week.
After that, it’s $19.99 (U.S.) a month. 3-months for $54.99 or $109.98 for the year.
The 12-week workout plan e-book is about $39.


Kayla shows a jump rope, bench, mat and I think further down the road a medicine ball, light weights, etc.
I already had a mat and I use my stairs as a bench. My jump rope was like $7 at Amazon.
I have light arm weights already from Tracy Anderson.

 Good for Beginners?

I don’t think this is good for beginners. I think the resistance exercises are REALLY difficult. Manageable, but tough.
The jury is also still out whether all these lunges are good for my knees… or horrible for them.

You should plan to start this workout after you’ve built up a little muscle.
Or just start really slowly and do what you can!

Rookie Mistake

I couldn’t walk for four days when I tried to do the first circuit move for the full 7 minutes.
You do the suggested amount of REPS and move onto the next exercise.

Wanna Work Out With Me??

Let’s do this together in 2018!! Be sure to take your before pictures too and email me anytime: erin@busbeestyle.com.
Look for “BusbeeStyle” in the Sweat app.

I’m going to do barre at least once a week also to stretch a bit more and work the small muscle groups.
I am NOT waiting for New Year’s to get started because my Christmas present from my husband is a Cabo trip and I will be in a swimsuit!!
I am in full exercise and eat healthy mode…

Please let me know if you have any questions. And, thank you SO much for stopping by!

Erin Busbee signature


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34 thoughts on “Surviving BBG Workout Week One

  1. You look great already, Erin, but we’re always our own harshest critics. I was the slimmest I ever was after having my 3rd child at age 37 (weird, huh?) When I was 41, I started gaining weight (about 10 lbs in 10 years). At 49 I had breast cancer and the prescription I’m on made me gain 10 lbs. (not a good look for a short girl who carries her weight in her tummy and back!) I love to walk, but recently joined Barre 3 and love it! Thanks for the app recommendation. I’ll check it out. Not sure why I’m just seeing this post on 1/13! Missed your Nordstrom giveaway! Love your you tube videos. Happy New Year!

    1. I’m REALLY sorry about your breast cancer. I hope you are now in remission? Fingers crossed. You are AMAZING, Suzanne!
      I love barre too. Haven’t been able to go in a couple of weeks and I miss it. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to share your story… Erin xo

  2. Oh and I made the rookie mistake too! I did jump squats for 7 minutes! I almost threw up! Lol So I guess you do the number of reps suggested for one exercise and move to the next exercise in that circuit and keep doing it for 7 minutes??

    1. Yes, LOL! Exactly… and it’s still very hard, but not ‘throw up, unable to move the next day’ hard! Erin xo

  3. Hi Erin! I just met you on the sweat app! :). You already look great! I’m so excited to meet other women doing BBg in their 40s. It’s very encouraging because we all know it’s so different in our 40s. Workouts are harder and results take longer. Ugggh. I’ll be following your progress. Good luck girl!

    1. Yay!! Hi Amber… yes, agreed. Our bodies are very different in 40’s. I’ve had to modify lunges a little because of my knees. I’m hoping they will get stronger as I progress. What is your BBG name??

  4. One of my goals this year is to get back to my “fighting weight” and I would used the gift card to buy myself some new outfits. It would be my reward for a job well done. The BBG meals are pretty good guides BTW. I usually substitute the things I can readily find, but follow the idea she set up.

  5. I would be like you and start my exercise lifestyle early, before Jan 1. In fact, I always did that because I’m a person that ‘reads ahead’. LOL
    This year is different. I’m sitting here with my feet up recovering from surgery done on Dec. 19. It was my 3rd hip replacement surgery. Yes, three. I got the first in 2008. It went great until 5 years ago I found out that I got the recall/defective hip replacement! I’m self-employed so, after a bout with breast cancer almost 4 years ago, I was putting off the hip redo. Finally, the pain was too much. It was affecting my work. So, in March of this year, I got the revision. Only to find out that it was botched. Made sense, since I wasn’t getting better but getting worse! So, this month, I got the real fix.

    Needless to say, I haven’t been able to keep up with my workout lifestyle. I had to give up my running early 2016. I don’t think I’ll be able to go back to it because of the amount of bone loss from so many surgeries. But, I sure love to hoist some weights! I’m looking forward to getting back into it once the doctor says GO! I have plenty of weight to remove from just this year of sitting around.

    I’m a lone exerciser. I work out to DVD’s. And, I see that it is cheaper to do those than to pay a monthly fee for an app. Eeps! Many of the DVD workouts I have do have forums attached to them so I do get the community and support from them. But, I don’t need it. I just need to get back my laser focus.

    I’m your interstate neighbor, hailing from outside Denver!!
    Happy New Year!!

    1. I’m really sorry about all of your surgeries. My husband had two hip surgeries abc I watched how much he struggled. Here’s to, getting back on track on the fitness front, healthy bones and overall well being and wonderful adventure ahead!! I appreciate you sharing your story… happy new year!!! Erin xo

  6. I am so excited that you posted this review of BBG because I have been researching it like crazy for the past two days and only stumbled upon your thoughts after coming to your blog to search how to style white jeans, lol. I also was a TA fan, but I found that her workouts just aren’t effective for my body anymore. I actually got a Peloton in August, and it has been life changing but I need something more to add to my routine to firm up. You look fabulous!

    1. Wow! You got that cool bike?? Do tell. What do you like about it?? BBG week 4 started today. It’s beeb tough on my knees, but trying to stay the course. Will keep you posted…Happy New Year!! Erin xo

  7. Erin you are smokin’ hot in the before images! Not much to improve on perfection, dear friend. I have been planking every morning since July. First thing outta bed, I hit the floor and work to perfect my form-just a minute is all it takes to really make a difference. I switch it up with different arm positions may move into another while holding. One day a week I plank every hour. But a perfect plank, not sloppy is key. Totally recommend adding perfecting a plank in this plan! I am game to get in super-tabulous-busbee shape! Oh, If I won first, new kicks to get this work out “on”…and I would buy everything you suggested to buy during the anniversary sale. WHY WHY WHY didn’t I? Regret… oh I have many when I see you wearing them! : ) Happy New Year Lovely! It is going to be filled with wonder, I just know it!

  8. I saw Rachel’s before and after photos and I too was convinced and downloaded the app! I’m one workout in and enjoying it so far. Sore in a good way! I have a one year old and I seem to have lost my workout mojo. Here’s to getting it back!

    1. I hear you… I definitely lost my way too. I think when my TAM workouts went from 30 min to one hour is where I really fell off the wagon. I love that these workouts are 30 min. Just started week three!

  9. Would treat my awesome husband and get him a TagHuere watch.. He workes so hard for us, and next year he will start an important step in his career.. Love to treat him for all the hard work he did❤️Love you Erin❤️

  10. This would be perfect for my daughter,she has been so good to me,and I could return some back.Thank You ???

  11. Your before photos are incredible! Thanks for sharing and inspiring. I turned 40 in September- it’s fantastic and rough at the same time 🙂 So, I’ll be purchasing some gym clothes if I win. They always make me feel more motivated. Happy 2018!

    1. Enjoy the rest of your 30’s!! You are not 40 yet… ? Happy new year to you, I hope 2018 is a great one! Erin xo

  12. I am jumping on this wagon too! I have let things slide downhill and really need to get back on track. It’s no joke that it’s harder to stay fit when you hit 40! I know if I clean up my eating habits, that will be huge. I really need to start exercising regularly too. I want to look and feel good, be healthy and set a good example for my six year old daughter. I’m an “old” mom and need to stay young for her! Good luck to you, I’ll be there with you!

  13. Wow, I would love to look like your before pictures. I too, have decided that I want to be strong in 2018.
    You gave us a great plan. Thanks, Erin. You are the best!!!

    1. This plan is really simple to follow and I think that is a big deal. The other key… ONLY 30 minutes! I fell off the wagon when my Tracy Anderson workouts went to one hour. Let me know what you think, Rita.

  14. The links to Styled by Anita Ford FB and IG are broken… I’m buying a new Rebecca Minkoff bag if I win!

  15. Thanks so much for this post. It’s inspiring me to get back on the wagon as well.
    If I won the Nordstrom gift card, I would probably invest in another nice handbag, or add another pair of boots to my every growing collection.

  16. Thank you so much for this Erin. I think I would get those things I’ve been holding off on for myself. I would also by my mom something very nice. Her birthday is January 1sts. It’s never too late for a gift from Nordstrom. Then I would get my husband a sweet gift for valentines Tom Ford cologne.

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