
Busbee Style News


Hi Subscribers!

Happy 4th of July Weekend!

I just want to check in with you all and find out if you have any feedback about the recent adjustments I’ve made to the blog/website.  I REALLY value and trust your opinions so please DO let me know what you think! I also need YOUR help, which I explain in more detail below.

1) Reward Style Membership

This is a big deal for me and my business. I now have access to great shopping tools (see boutique widget below) AND… 3500+ retailers/e-tailers (all of the good ones that I use anyway!). This helps me tremendously with my shopping suggestions for you.

If you would like to support me and my business, please DO buy my suggestions through the image links. I make a small commission on each purchase. It’s not much now, but as I grow, it can become a much more significant part of my business and hopefully enable me to work from home full-time! So… please help! And spread the word…

NOTE: I never select products based on commissions or price. I only choose products I love. Period.

[show_boutique_widget id=”142440″]

2) LikeToKnow.It

This program is REALLY cool! You sign up via email. Then, you follow me on Instagram. Finally, you “Like” my pictures and you can SHOP my looks and pictures directly from your inbox!

You may also notice “Shop The Feed” (see below) at the bottom of my blogs, which you can also just click on and shop!

[show_ltk_widget rows=”1″ cols=”6″ show_frame=”true” user_id=”114433″ padding=”2″]

3) Website Changes

I just spent a chunk of change making several updates to my website. I hope you like them?

I added a “Contact” page

I added a “BusbeeStyle TV” page which eventually will house ALL my YouTube style videos

I added an “Erin’s Picks” page which features my shopping suggestions by category. I use all prices and include plus and petite sizes when I can.

I added some ads to link you to “Erin’s Picks” and “BusbeeStyle TV” (see images below)

I also added a “Meet Erin” circle which links visitors to my “About Us” page.

Also, don’t forget I hired stylist, Camilla Basse. Her rates are posted on my “Rates” page. If you want to book a summer closet edit or need some help shopping, she is GREAT!



I’ve been working on this business for more than 4 years. It’s a labor of love for sure. I feel so lucky to be able to do what I love and to be able to help so many women. It’s amazing! One of the reasons I have been lucky enough to pursue my passion is because I have a husband who is extremely supportive (and can pay the bills). I’m still struggling to make my business fiscally viable, and honestly, I think you can help. The more BLOG subscribers and social media friends and followers that I have… the more products I will be able to sell, the more brands will want to do partnerships and sponsorships, the more money I will make. After years of trying MANY things, I truly believe that this is the path for success!

Here’s where YOU come in. Please help me spread the word about BusbeeStyle.com. Suggest subscribing to my blog to a friend or family member. Suggest following me on Instagram or friending me on Facebook to your FB crew, or following me on Instagram. All the links are below.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for support! It means so much! I can’t do this without all of you!!


 Thanks again! Erin xo



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