
10 Ways White People Can Fight Racism

Special thanks to Daphne Love... for giving me the push I needed to speak out.

As a white woman, it’s impossible for me to understand all of the hardships and discrimination Black people face. But, here’s what I DO know for sure…  NOTHING about this is okay. Racism is NOT Okay. The senseless loss of Black lives is NOT okay. I am deeply saddened by the deaths of George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery. I am saddened that we are still a nation full of hate.

None of this makes sense to me. And, yet, here we are. In the year, 2020… a deeply divided nation…turning our backs on the fundamental principle on which we were founded… that All Men (and Women) Are Created Equal.

Despite knowing all of this… I feel somewhat paralyzed. What can I do? Does my voice matter? Do people really want to hear from ME on this issue? I am sure many of you feel the same way so I decided to figure out an actionable plan for all of us. Below you will find a list of 10 ways WE can help combat racial injustice.

quote by Mahatma Gandhi about speaking up against oppression and racism

#1 | Take This Quiz

Ignorance is what perpetuates hate. It is possible that we aren’t even aware of our inherent beliefs. Harvard created the Implicit Bias Test to shed more light on your conscious and unconscious bias. They cover race, religion, sexual orientation, and weight. The test takes about ten minutes to complete. Self-awareness is key!

Here is another quiz by the United Nations to test your knowledge of human rights and discrimination.


#2 | Talk To Your Kids

Children do not hate naturally. It is learned. Make sure you talk to your kiddos about what is going on. I shared the story of George Floyd with Gage and Elizabeth at dinner last night. I told them that he is one of many who have been killed senselessly and that this violence against Black people needs to stop. I asked them what they think and how they feel. It was really powerful. Children are like sponges. They will soak in ALL the knowledge and information you give them. Make sure you are teaching them, love.


#3 | Buy a Book

I just downloaded the audiobook version of “White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People To Talk About Racism.” I also picked up this book, “A Kids’ Book About Racism” for the kids. There are SO many great books if you want to educate yourself. The New York Times put together a great anti-racial reading list here.

Be sure to also read this article on Medium.com that gives 75 other ways you can be proactive in the fight against racial injustice.

#4 | Donate Money

There are several funds you can donate to… to help the cause.


– Official George Floyd Memorial Fund: To support this family and their fight for justice
I Run With Maud: A fund supporting Ahmaud Arbery’s family in their struggle for justice for the murder of Ahmaud Arbery.
– Color of Change: They design campaigns to end practices that unfairly hold Black people back and champion solutions that move them forward.  
– NAACP “We Are Done Dying” Campaign: a campaign by the National Association for Advancement of Colored People to expose healthcare inequities. You can also sign several petitions including one lobbying for income inequality.


#5 | Watch 

There’s something about video that stays with you… George Floyd’s last pleas for his life will stay with me forever. Be sure to watch the video of what happened to George Floyd… no matter how uncomfortable it is to watch.

Here are some other recommended pieces you might consider watching:

The House I Live In (PBS documentary)
13th (Netflix documentary)
The First Time I Realized I Was Black (First-hand experiences)
12 Years a Slave
Black Lives Matter Myths Debunked  (YouTube video explaining the movement and common misconceptions.)
Neil Degrasse Tyson (talking about his experience pursuing the field of science as a Black man)


#6 | Sign The Petition

You can sign a petition to get justice for George Floyd. The goal is to get three million signatures. When you sign, the platform will send your message to County Attorney Michael Freeman, who has the power to arrest and charge the police officers involved.

#7 | Buy From Black Businesses

Support and buy from Black businesses. I found this awesome list on WhoWhatWear.com

– Brother Vellies: Handcrafted, sustainable shoes designed in Brooklyn and made by artisans from Nairobi to New York
– The Folklore: Online store delivering Africa and the diaspora’s top contemporary brands
– Pyer Moss: Mens and womenswear fashion label concerned with building a narrative that speaks about heritage and activism
– McMullen: Boutique and online store dedicated to global designer brands
– Telfar: Unisex brand including logo bags beloved by the fashion set
– Cushnie: Luxury women’s ready-to-wear and bridal brand known for sculptural, clean silhouettes
– Christopher John Rogers: Colorful, dramatic eveningwear that won the 2019 CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund Award
– Jade Swim: Luxe, minimal swimwear made of sustainable fabric
– Heron Preston: Award-winning workwear-redefined separates and accessories for both women and men
– Sami Miro Vintage: Limited-run clothing line made from upcycled vintage fabrics
– Slashed by Tia: A modern take on Renaissance-inspired clothing by a young NYC-based designer that has been worn by everyone from Lizzo to Gigi Hadid
– Maki Oh: Womenswear brand that fuses traditional African techniques with detailed contemporary construction
– Wales Bonner: Luxury womenswear and menswear brand focusing on “soulful tailoring”
– Monrowe NYC: Handmade hats inspired by nuances of jazz culture
– Fe Noel: Vibrant, colorful brand inspired by the designer’s Caribbean heritage
– Victor Glemaud: Statement knitwear designed for all people, genders, races, sizes, and personalities

#8 | Share On Social Media

You can also support black men and women online. Use your platforms to educate and share pertinent information. It was a tough decision for me to speak out. I honestly didn’t think people would want to hear my thoughts about racism. But, I am so happy I did and will continue to do so. Your voice matters too!!

Here are some Black fashion bloggers you should follow:


#9 | Volunteer

You can volunteer to help your local community or virtually through organizations like the UN. Here is a link to UN volunteer opportunities.


#10 | Share the Love

Love and welcome all those around you. Encourage your kids to befriend Black kids at school. Expand your own friend group to include Black men and women. Be loving and kind to everyone, regardless or race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. Love conquers all.

I LOVE you all!! Thank you so much for reading this. I am so grateful to have such a beautiful, intelligent, and loving community of women that can make such a huge impact on the world.

What else can we do?? Is there something I missed? Is there something you discovered that you think is very powerful? Please share in the comments below.

Thank you for stopping by!

Erin Busbee signature

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27 thoughts on “10 Ways White People Can Fight Racism

  1. I like how you mentioned talking to your kids about loving everyone. With everything going on in America, I’m worried about how my kids will grow up and teaching them to be fair to everybody. I’ll be sure to keep this in mind while I look for other resources to teach my children. https://ccwomenofcolor.org/donate/

  2. Dear erin,
    Thank you for your support. This is an EXCELLENT article. YOU’VE clearly
    THOUGHT deeply about ThIs, and FOLLOWED Through.
    AS A BLACK WOMAN AND PROFESSIONAL COUNSELLOR, i wIll be happy to share this with my non-black & bRown friends and ColleagueS here in The uk and overseas.
    God bless you

  3. I love that you are using your voice and platform to speak out against racism. This post was super helpful. Yes, The naysayers will always be there but whatever….YOu’re a good egg, Erin. Keep being your fantastic, brave self. Polly Drew, Denver.

  4. Erin, I found this piece thought provoking. I’m in Scotland and was horrified and saddened when I heard the news about Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd. I watched the video footage of Mr Floyd’s final moments: it’s poignant and distressing. I feel awful for these men, their families and black people all across the United States. I feel very strongly that this should not be allowed to happen ever again. Some claim that racism happens on both sides. Until I see white men being casually murdered by black police, I won’t believe that. Some might tell me to shut up because I’m not in America, but that’s irrelevant. I’m with Ghandi: it’s time to speak out, not shut up. Best wishes, Reaghan

  5. Another reason you are a wonderful person- seeing the importance of this matter and using your platform and voice!!! YES! Keep it up sister! I am doing a study with some girlfriends on the book “me and white supremacy.” I know i will learn a lot about how deep within me the systemic racism runs. but i’m willing to do the work to try and make a difference. xoxo D

  6. erin,

    I’ve been following you for years now. I can’t thank you enough for this post, as a minority female this is a difficult time and I’m so glad that women on YouTube that I follow are sensitive to communities which may be far removed from their realities. all can I can ask is that you continue to model for your children and your community the sensitivity and compassion required to get us all through this to a better place.


  7. Thank you, Erin!! I in no way found this post condescending. I found it courageous, necessary and, most importantly, loving. Your voice is important. Self reflection is crucial and action is critical. I appreciate you being brave and aware and willing to take a stand. It says so much about you that you want better for all people and that you have used your voice and platform to assist. you understand THAT this is a fight for everyone. I absolutely adore you. These steps from you have brought me to tears. Please don’t allow anyone TO shame you for having a beautiful heart. Hugs

  8. Thanks Erin for this. I’ve been so angry about this and wondering when will it ever be that people are not judged by the fact they were born black, brown or White. i see the progress we have made and then get so angry that it has not been fast enough. I won’t go on. I will say the quote, this addition to the weekly newsletter and the natural and honest intent behind your content is what keeps me coming here. I’ve saved the gandhi quote too. a very powerful way to start my week. thank you.

  9. Erin,
    I knew you were amazing. Now I think you are Doubly amazing. Thank you for your light in the world. I will share your list far and wide!!!

  10. What the officer did was wrong BUT looting and burning poor peoples businesses is just as bad WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Hi Erin,

    Thank you for sending this comprehensive newsletter regarding your thoughts on racism and how we can help fix it. I am going to share it with a group of friends and family members. Everyone should get involved in this situation and help make immediate changes for people whose lives should be much better.

    Thank you for your weekly videos. Great style!


  12. Thanks for the list, Erin! I appreciate the suggestions that had not yet occurred to me. And on another note, the balcony looks great! And so do you…I’ll def read about how you shed 15. 🙂

    1. Sharing resources is meant to be helpful, not hurtful. Thank you! Erin xo

  13. Hi Erin, wonderful to receive your newsletters I do enjoy reading them. Yes sad news about black deaths both in America and Australia. I know things have changed for the better in my lifetime but we have a long way to go and Education is an important key in this happening.
    Cheers Pamela

  14. Thank you for speaking up. It takes a lot of courage to follow your convictions and do what is right.

  15. Erin thank you for being a disruptor and seeing that this fight against systematic/institutional racism does start with white people.I am a woman, daughter, sister, wife, aunt, mother and a lover of fashion just like you. The only difference is that i am black. i am 54 years old and have lived in the united states all of my life and have been subject to racism (sad to say). I can speak up and speak out on the issue but change will only come when brave, courageous women and men like you speak up and speak out.thank you again and keep disrupting!!
    Loyal subcriber,

    1. I’m so sorry for your struggles, Julie. I can’t even imagine. I think job are right. Enough is enough. Silence is no longer an option for any of us. I’m proud to help in some small way. Thank you for taking the time to write. Erin xo

  16. Im already subscribed to your newsletter and watch your youtube channel. I am a woman of colour (london born and bred) And I have to thank you for speaking up on this issue, Where I live is very multicultural and I have always had friends of a multitude of races and cultures and It makes me so sad to see what is going on at the moment. I would like to thank you for making an effort to stand up against injustice, it is appreciated,. Bless you lady! Stay stafe and keep being a shining light x

    1. It IS so sad, Nicola. Thanks for your note. Means a lot…

      I think in the UK, things are a bit better, though… right? Or not really? I’ve always thought you all are more evolved in the area of race.

      Erin xo

  17. thank you so much for gathering and sharing this list with your community. because you consolidated this all in one place, i just very easily gave to george and maud’s go fund me pages and black lives matter. this has got to stop. i explained to my 10-year old daughter what was going on and she looked at me with huge eyes. we have got to do better and eradicate this systemic racism.

    1. Thanks, Bridget… that’s exactly why I did it. I was hoping to make it easier. Thanks for sharing! Erin xo

  18. Erin, I know you mean well but I find your post somewhat condescending. I don’t need to take a quiz, buy a book, watch a video, etc. to know racism is wrong and/or that I am not racist. This was a terrible act committed by one evil man, not the entire white race. Racism occurs across the board, both sides. I just think your audience is probably not the target group who woud benefit from your suggestions.

    1. I don’t think there is anything condescending about sharing helpful resources to educate ourselves and others. Education is a key tool in the fight again racism. I understand that not all of my readers will like that I’m going off-topic, but that is a risk I am willing to take. Staying silent is no longer an option. Thanks for your comment. Erin xo

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