
Ten Changes You’ll Notice After Turning 40

  10 Changes You Will Notice After Turning 40 | Fashion Blogger, Erin Busbee of Busbee Style wearing plaid cupcakes and cashmere coatPLAID COAT

Ten Changes You’ll Notice After Turning 40

I am not sure what I expected from this decade, but I can tell you that so far, I feel more confident and at peace in my 40’s than ever before! I’m sharing my thoughts about middle age, and the changes I’ve noticed in the VIDEO above (and below).

I also did a video a couple year ago about how I felt turning 40 that you can watch here.

Grab your coffee and let’s do this!!

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1) You Do Not Sweat The Small Stuff

I think there is a peace and calm that comes with age. You do not worry as much about the little things. My husband told me this would happen, but I had to experience it for myself to truly understand. This has been one of the most impactful things that I have noticed since turning 40.

2) You Are More At Peace With Wrinkles

You still notice your wrinkles…but you’re not as obsessed with them. In my experience, I was more panicked about wrinkles popping up during my 30’s. I still have wrinkles showing up pretty much daily, but I have a much calmer attitude about my wrinkles now.

3) You Hear Words Like Hormones & Menopause A LOT More!

You might have heard these words in your 30’s… but you weren’t paying attention. Words like hormones and menopause get tossed around regularly and you now listen! Your hormones can be a real roller coaster in your 40’s. I strongly recommend talking to your GYN or finding a doctor who will test your hormones if you don’t feel like yourself. I did a video on the signs of menopause. You can watch the video and read the post here.

4) You Have To Work Harder To Stay In Shape (And, It’s More About Staying Strong Than Aesthetics)

I feel like I have to work harder to stay in shape. I know that gets even harder as you get older. I’d say this is one of the rare drawbacks to getting older. My mindset about working out has also changed. It’s no longer about a killer bod… Now it’s more about being strong and healthy, with good joints and knees.

5) You Think Twice When It Comes To Dressing Sexy

I’m not saying that you can’t be sexy over 40. But, I definitely check myself, and think twice about wearing certain things. I adhere to the one skin rule and only show one area at a time. If I have a revealing neckline, I keep my lower half covered. If I’m showing off some legs, I keep my upper body more conservative.

6) You Start Losing Your Vision

People told me…but I didn’t listen. The minute I turned 40, I needed reading glasses! I’ve embraced it and decided to get the world’s cutest readers…

7) You Don’t Care As Much About What Other People Think

The next change that happens that’s really wonderful and freeing… is that you don’t care (as much) what people think about you! For real. Not kidding. An amazing effect of this freedom… you stop saying yes to things that drain your time and energy, with little return. This extra time brings you joy and allows you to focus on the things that you really want to do.

8) You Won’t Put Up With Crap

You don’t just reevaluate your time, but who you’re spending your time with. After 40 you may find yourself questioning relationships. Are you surrounding yourself with quality people? Are they bringing joy and inspiration into your life? Is the relationship reciprocal? Sometimes the answer is no. Letting go of friendships is difficult and feels like real loss, but there is also a lot of freedom and light that comes.

9) You Are More Empathetic

I think you start to have a lot more forgiveness, understanding, sympathy, and empathy for others around you. This comes from being more at peace with who and where you are in life. I think empathy also comes more easily because you finally get that someone else’s problems have nothing to do with you.

10) Your Impact Is Important

This has been the most important and impactful change I’ve experienced since turning 40. You really do think about the impact that you have on the world and people around you. I feel like the first half of my life was all about me. And, this amazing decade is all about what I can do for others.

What are some changes YOU have noticed since turning 40? Please comment and let me know below.

  BusbeeStyle 2017 Holiday Gift Guide, featuring gift ideas picks by Erin Busbee, Busbee Style, Telluride Colorado

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Thank you SO much for stopping by!

  Erin Busbee signature

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11 thoughts on “Ten Changes You’ll Notice After Turning 40

  1. Wonderfully shared Erin:) I hesitated to read this one, but as a fellow member of the 40s club, I found it so validating & it convinced me you are as lovely on the inside as you are on the outside! Seeing a woman evolve throughout a lifetime is a beautiful expression of life.

    As far as the last one (impact) I’d love for you to address fast fashion & its impact. As a mom of a small child myself, I’m much more conscious of reaching toward healthier alternatives that are more conscious of our fellow humans & planet.

    In fact I put way less pressure on my looks as I learn more in this area, yet I strive to be beautiful & to take care of myself. I guess that’s part of my journey & it would be interesting for fashion bloggers to weigh in.

    1. Thank you, Ruby…excellent points and I think it’s a topic certainly worth exploring. Much appreciated. Happy Holidays! Erin xo

  2. My skin is worse now. I used to have beautiful skin. Rarely had acne, even through my teenage years. But now I can’t seem to get it under control!

    1. Oh no! It’s all those darn hormonal changes probably. SO sorry! Can you go see a derm?? Erin xo

  3. Everything you said is so true Erin, but I’ll have to admit that I didn’t really see the effects until I turned 50 and then everything became glaringly obvious!

    The only thing I’d add is to the staying in shape. Not only is it harder to stay in shape, but seems to become infinitely more difficult to lose weight!

    1. LOL…SO true! What used to work pretty quickly, no longer works. I’ve just started a new program and I took ‘before’ pictures and I’m hesitant to post because my stomach looks terrible. That’s been the hardest part for me..the tummy area. WTH!! Erin xo

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